CEASE and RESIST: A way of being that allows us to rest into our whole selves.  Join us in these next weeks to wrestle with what it means to stop our busyness enough to really rest. 

Kids should check in at the Kid’s Table and then head into the Commons with their families as we explore a creative approach to kids and adults gathering together.

What to expect?

  • A visit from our friend Nuach, a wise sloth who helps us to decode some of these tricky words and ideas around the idea of Sabbath.

  • Our Kid Reporters will be on location interviewing some people and exploring some places that help us to understand what it can be like to Cease and Resist.

  • An activity just for kids (and kids at heart)!  Sometimes the activity will take place in the Commons and some weeks kids will be invited to the gym or outside for their own way to wrestle with the big idea.

  • Popsicles!

The Nest is available most weeks for kids 6 months through 3 years, located in the Media Center, staffed with caring leaders ready to nurture and play with our littlest Fabric folks.

Beginning on June 30th Fabric will be at Minnehaha Falls!