Sunday @ 10:30am

Unearthed | It takes real courage to dig out when we’d rather bury our heads, especially with difficult subjects we hear about in the news and see on social media. How might we shift our gaze up from ourselves and peer out into the wider world together with good courage? We’ll hear from trusted experts and practice being brave in uncertain times. More HERE.

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Kids-What’s Happening

It takes some courage to dive deep in the ocean and it also takes courage to seek justice!  Are you up for the challenge? 

Join a Group

Fabric Groups are a way to follow your instinct for community and invest in regular, long-haul space to share, care, trust and grow with others instead.

Spring Giving Challenge!

We’re going to spend April setting some fun goals as we, together, meet the financial needs of the Fabric community. Check out all the info here!


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