Fabric Groups are a way to follow your instinct for community and invest in regular, long-haul space to share, care, trust and grow with others instead. (Great alternatives if you ever notice yourself hiding away, resenting, second-guessing or worrying by trying to go it alone!)

A little can go a long way. Showing up for a focused, intentional hour (or so) each week helps us show up for the other 167 hours! As Fabric we can make this kind of space for ourselves, others we know and don't know yet. We envision homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and communities where everyone is connected.

A Fabric Group is any group of people meeting regularly to practice and connect around our shared Fabric conversations. They meet regularly at a variety of times and in ways that work for them. It is always a good time to ask about Groups! Talk to people on Sundays, learn more below and contact Melissa anytime with interest and questions! 

Why Groups?

Groups are about significant relationships.

  • SHARE: when something big happens, you want to share it with these people.

  • CARE: You know what the best care is for one another and are ready to give and receive it (or find help from beyond the group when appropriate).

  • TRUST is always building.

  • GROW: you expect to grow. 

Everybody needs connections like this but they don’t just happen. As Fabric we can help each other form and practice significant relationships. Why wouldn't we?


“Significant Relationships”

“I’m invested with groups to build significant relationships and to create connections among others.”

— Erin

“Open minds and conversations.”

“Lots of open minds and conversations.”

— Chris

“You need your people!”

“People, you need your people!”

— Anne

“Set aside time…”

“The set aside time to incorporate what I am learning and learn with others.”

— Amanda