Fabric’s core values were noticed as important, emergent cultural elements of our local community. They don’t exist in isolation, but interact with each other. This expression of them will likely continue to evolve, but it felt important for us to name them and lift them up to keep who we want to be as a community in front of us.

Coming out of the pandemic, 5 core values were identified by the Fabric staff as a useful framework to center their work as Fabric rewove itself as a community. These values don't exist in isolation, but interact with each other. Below, you’ll find brief descriptions of our 5 core values and a player for a podcast episode about each one and a button on the right to read more about that specific value.

expanding arrows icon

Unleash a new possible | What you do matters | We get to!

How big? Really BIG! Why not? What does Fabric have to lose? Our reputation? Our perfect record? The hard work of trying to pull it off? Yeah, sure. But we also lose our chance to make a difference. To believe we are part of a movement of cosmic importance and proportions. We want to be part of that, so we have Thinking BIG at our core.


Show Up | Awaken to what you’re part of | Give & receive

If you want it done right, do it yourself.” Really? “If you want to travel fast, go alone.” Hmm… People may slow you down and gum up the works of what you want, but if there is any truth about existence it is that we are all connected. While you are an unique individual, your fulfillment and purpose are found in what you are part of. That is why choosing connection is at Fabric’s core. What about yours?

coffee mug with heart in steam

You belong | Serve up joy | Tend to the holes

When all is said and done, too much was probably said and done and we likely didn’t do enough of just being with each other. A pot of tea, a note to a friend - or an enemy - letting them know they are loved. The world of acceptance and welcome do not suffer from scarcity, but from miserliness. That’s why sharing warmth is at Fabric’s core. We are here for each other, and all those who aren’t here yet. Is it rubbing off on you?

silly little creature with arms raised

Spark wonder | Meander | Delight

Seriously, you take yourself too seriously. You are so smart, skilled, and competent that you get in your own way. It’s time to forget your best, most efficient, smart self and do a little puddle gazing, play a game of marbles, daydream or… just anything. Creativity is born of rest and play more often than hard work and focus. That’s why Fabric has whimsify at its core. And yes, we know it’s not really a word. Maybe you could use a little too.

Shield with a question mark

Ask better questions | Lean in to discomfort | Embrace messy

On the whole, Fabric is a little skeptical about certainty. Usually it deserves to be poked a little. We’ve found that there’s little we can be certain about in the world…except maybe how much uncertainty really surrounds us! Rather than trying to find those rock solid tenants lots of spiritual organizations cling to, we brave the messiness of uncertainty and keep being surprised at all of the richness is there!