We need your help stories!

Melissa with Fabric here. We’re looking for some help with…help! It’s hard to ask for help. Being asked has its challenges too. And sometimes the “help” we give and get doesn’t turn out to be all that, well, helpful. But the truth is we all get by with a little help from our friends, as they say. We want to hear your everyday, on the ground help stories. Let’s help each other out!

  • Tell us about a time you hesitated to ask for help but you did it anyway. What happened? 

  • When did you try to help and it didn’t go well?

  • Have you been surprised by what happened when you offered or asked for help? 

Fabric is taking three weeks starting Jan 28 to look at the surprising power - and challenge - of giving and getting help. Help everyone out by sharing your help story in an audio postcard. Record a 1-3 minute voice memo and give us a glimpse of a memorable, if everyday help story! Thanks!