It's Hard Not To

Hard not to what? Well, it’s like this - we make some things so hard that we don’t try, and because we don’t try we miss out on what would happen if we did. The fact is that you are designed to be good at the things that are good for you. If people weren’t we wouldn’t be around anymore. Fabric cares about your spirituality, and to be honest, it’s not as hard as you may think to be spiritually healthy. Join us for 5 weeks as we help each other do what we are designed to do.

October 22 - It’s Hard Not to Grow. Fact: You are growing, even if you aren’t getting taller or heavier. You are adding new information, experiences, and people to your life everyday. You are growing. The question isn’t whether you are growing or not, but how you are growing? Spiritual growth isn’t something you do instead of all the other kinds possible, it’s what you do because of all the other kinds of growth. So what is spiritual growth? And why do we think it is so hard, when in truth, it’s hard NOT to grow!  LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

October 29 - It’s Hard Not to Connect. If you aren’t marooned on a desert island (in which case you aren’t reading this) you connect with other things and people constantly. The question is what you do with those connections. It's easy to eliminate the connections you don’t like, or so you may think. But while having people unlike you in your world seems hard, what is really hard is the endless effort of keeping those people out of your world. Your spirituality is about being whole, those people make you whole, and you are good at what’s good for you. It’s not hard to connect.  LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

November 5 - It’s Hard Not to Pray. You do pray pretty much everyday, you know. Seriously. You do. Protest all you want, but prayer is a lot more than kneeling by your bed with your hands folded. Prayer is your inner self speaking, shouting, and crying out beyond yourself. It’s hard not to do that. You know what else is hard not to do? Worry. You probably do that everyday too, and you probably will admit that. Do you know the difference between praying and worrying? We’ll see you on Sunday!  LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

November 12 - It’s Hard Not to Wonder. You may wonder if that is a true assertion or not, but that just proves the point. There is nothing so certain that you don’t wonder about it. People who don’t like your wondering call it doubt, but it’s all the same. It’s the crack in the walls of certainty, the possibility that there is more to whatever it is. The bigger the question the harder it is to make a formula work, and what could be bigger than your spirituality. Let’s face it, it’s hard not to wonder. I wonder why?  LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

November 19 - It’s Hard Not to Practice. After all, you are practicing all sorts of things all the time already. If it’s on purpose, it’s called a skill. If it’s not on purpose, it’s called a rut. Practices that keep your spiritual life fit aren’t any harder than all the things you are doing already, it’s more a matter of how you shape and use what you are doing already. Think it’s harder to practice than that? Well, it is, and it’s hard not to. Let’s talk. And…practice.  LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE