Let's Go Beyond!

There are some things life is not about. And one of them is playing it safe. There is no virtue in foolishness, but if you aren’t straddling the line between stretching and looking foolish, you may not be really living. Jesus said if you are compelled to go one mile with someone, keep going a second mile. Fabric is all about doing what we know to do, and then…going beyond! It’s risky. It’s living! Welcome as we explore going beyond personally and as a community.

May 28: …And Beyond! Ever get tired? Of course you have. Ever felt like letting up a little? Sure, it’s healthy. And then did you ever sense that this was a time that mattered and despite feeling worn out and in need of a break it was time to dig in and keep going? I hope so. The kids have been talking about going beyond for the last five weeks and will help us all learn about going beyond in kindness, trust, and thankfulness. You know, some things don’t run out when you give them away, they multiply! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

June 4: …And Beyond Your Comfort Zone! Comfort Zone, Growth Zone, Danger Zone - you probably know the concept, we lean on it often. But it isn’t about the concept, it’s about the lifestyle. As Fabric goes through a transition, and as you head into your summer, enjoying but not getting stuck in our comfort zones is important to keeping the main thing the main thing. Jesus repeatedly said, “Come and follow me” and I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean a place, but out of a comfort zone and to a growth zone. Let’s go beyond and grow! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

June 11: …And Beyond You Alone! (at Field School) If I told you there was one remedy that could dramatically increase personal and collective wellbeing on almost every front, would you believe me? According to more and more experts there is. And the kicker is we are wired for it and always have been! A life woven deeply can lift us all beyond the modern world’s dead-end message that success means going it alone. Let’s be Fabric. Let’s live it! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE

June 18 (at the Minnehaha Falls Bandstand): …And Beyond Who We Are! “I don’t know who you are” is creepy if it’s about someone you find in your house, but it’s the greatest if it's on Sunday morning. Fabric is too special and important to keep a secret. To keep it for ourselves is to undo what we are about! But how do others find their way among us? Especially in an era when people are turned off by or too busy for “church.” It’s worth thinking about, in the park, with new friends we don’t know yet around us and among us. LIVESTREAM (rained out this time!) | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE