
Care IQ Now. Lots of new situations are and will be arising for us to practice our Care IQ. Trust the practice you've already done and keep practicing.

CareIQ is a toolbox of insights and understandings everyone needs to deal with the tough situations of life where words of encouragement or advice don’t work. *See the printable bookmark with the list of tools here. We are continuing our CareIQ equipping with a special eye towards mental health: What is mental health exactly? How do you care for your own? What can you, should you do for those around you living with a mental health challenge? If you’ve got the answers, stay home. If this is as difficult for you as it is for the rest of us, come on by! Here’s what we’ll be talking about…


February 9 - CareIQ: What’s It About? We may not be very good at it, but we are accustomed to cheering up a friend, coworker or family member, walking them through a challenging situation, but when the typical ups and downs of life become crises we often have no idea what to do. It’s time to raise your CareIQ. This is an area of growth we revisit and practice often and will be exploring again this month with a special eye towards mental health.

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February 16 - CareIQ: It’s (Not) About You. Someone else’s mental health is about them, and yours is about you. Simple, right? Evidently not because nothing trips up caring for another person more than not being aware of your own “stuff.” So to make it fully about them, you need to be all about you first. This self-awareness is a lifelong journey, but being more awake to it can happen right now. Join Chris Lillehei, chaplain at Children’s Hospital, for this conversation.

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February 23 - CareIQ Meets Mental Health. Everyone has mental health and no one is perfect. But if yours significantly impacts your ability to function for an extended period of time special help is probably needed. Many of us will experience that some time in our lives, and all of us know someone for whom it is true. How do you stay connected with them if you aren’t a therapist? One, don’t try to be a therapist, but there is a lot you can be and do.

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March 1 - CareIQ: Practice when it’s easy. Verlyn Hemmen has dealt with people in crisis and struggling with their mental health for decades. He has the practice we each wish we had. He got it the hard way but you can practice when it’s easy by joining us with Verlyn while we take on the sticky situations, try out stuff that might work, and talk about why it does or doesn’t. Remember, having the right tools is one thing, getting practice using them is another.

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